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    First Date Ideas to Spark Connection

    First Date Ideas to Spark Connection

    When you're just starting to date someone and want to keep things fresh, there are so many options that can spark the connection between two people. Having fun activities on your first date is a great way to get to know each other and make sure that you're both on the same page. Here's a list of some good first date ideas:

    Getting to know someone’s interests can be a good way to get to know them as well. It will help you understand who they are and what they value, which is important for creating a connection between two people.

    If you want to learn more about their interests, here are some things you can do:

    • Ask them what they like doing in their free time. Do they enjoy travelling? Do they spend most of their time outdoors? What kind of music do they listen to? What kinds of books do they read? Find common ground between the two of you.

    Have a coffee date at a bookstore

    If you're looking for a date idea that packs in the sparks, look no further than your local bookshop. 

    Besides being an excuse to make awkward small talk over drinks, bookshops are also great places to find common interests between two people who may otherwise not be as compatible as they think. You might find one another's passion for reading or writing novels; or maybe one person will have their nose buried in some obscure  novel while the other casually reads through their favourite magazine. Whatever it takes to connect.

    Pick something from a farm

    When it comes to the first date, many people have trouble thinking of what they might do that would be interesting and engaging. While you can spend time at a restaurant or movie theatre, these activities may not provide an opportunity for you or your date to learn about each other in any significant way. In contrast, farm visits are great ways for couples to get to know one another in a relaxed environment where you'll naturally feel more comfortable than if you were out on the town.

    Farms offer endless possibilities for fun date ideas: from walking through fields, harvesting vegetables from the garden together, strawberry picking, feeding animals, or a cooking class...the list goes on!

    Engage in friendly competition

    This is a great activity if you want to get to know someone better and have fun.

    • Choose something that you can both do like bowling, or drawing/ painting class.

    Go to an arcade

    An arcade is a great place to be silly. You can make fun of each other when you fail at games, and laugh about how the other person is better than you at them.

    An arcade is also a great place to be competitive. If your date likes competition, he or she will love seeing who can get the highest score on any game that has leader boards.

    Arcade gaming brings out people's social nature by creating an atmosphere where they're encouraged to talk with each other while playing games together, which helps build connection and establish rapport with their partner in crime (aka: you).

    Go for a walk

    • Go for a walk together.
    • Get to know each other and get some exercise at the same time!
    • This date is perfect for getting some fresh air and talk about your lives while you're at it.

    Opt for a hike

    To help you get outside and explore nature, while also getting some exercise and enjoying the fresh air, opt for a hike. If you've never tried it before, hiking can be a great way to unwind while reconnecting with nature. Hiking is also known to help boost your mood and reduce stress levels—and who doesn't want that?

    Plus, if you're lucky enough to find yourself on a date with someone who is as passionate about hiking as you are (or even just enjoys it), there's an extra bonus: The physical exertion required during hikes will leave both of you feeling good!

    Dine at your date's favourite restaurant

    If your date's favourite restaurant is known for its romantic ambience, you can use this opportunity to get to know each other while you're enjoying the food. You'll both have time to talk while waiting in line or at the table, and any awkward silences will be filled by the sounds of clinking silverware and cutlery.

    When it comes to sharing a meal with someone new, remember that nothing says "I like you" more than a good meal prepared with love. If your date takes you somewhere they themselves enjoy going (and not somewhere they think would impress you), that's an even better sign!

    Swing by a museum or art gallery

    A good first date idea is to visit a museum or art gallery. If you're lucky, there may be an event going on at the time of your visit; perhaps even a live music performance or poetry reading. This can make for some great conversation as you watch and listen together. If there's no special event going on, ask if they have any tours available that day; many museums allow visitors to take self-guided tours or guided tours.

    Take a class together

    If you're looking for a date idea that will spark some connection, look no further than taking a class together!

    This can be a great way to get to know each other in a low-pressure, relaxed setting. Plus, there's something about learning together that is truly special. It also gives you plenty of time to ask questions and let your curiosity shine through.

    There are tons of classes available—everything from pottery, dancing, to cooking classes. To find something fun and interesting in your area, check out websites like Groupon or Scoopon where deals on local activities are always popping up.

    Get painting

    Painting is a great way to connect with someone. It's a shared experience and it’s something you can do together. Painting is fun, relaxing and easy to do. You don't have to be an artist or have any previous experience painting either! You can paint at home or in a class.

    Try an escape room

    Escape rooms are a fun way to connect with your date. You can make them as simple or complex as you want, and they help you get to know each other better. This is a great opportunity for practising communication skills!

    Attend trivia night at a bar

    Trivia night is an easy way to get to know someone. You might learn something about the person you're dating, or at least have fun trying! If you're feeling competitive, trivia nights are also a great excuse to win prizes—and who doesn't love that? Plus, it's a great way to meet new people.

    If you've got an interest in pop culture or current events, trivia nights are your jam. And they're not just limited to bars and restaurants; some companies host them on weeknights because it gives employees an opportunity for bonding outside of work hours.

    Take a graffiti tour of your city

    As you probably know, graffiti is a form of art that consists of paint and markers or spray paint applied to public spaces. It’s the act of applying your own mark to an object, surface or location that does not belong to you. (Especially popular in Melbourne)

    What does it mean to you? Do you think it has a place in society? How do feel about it? What's your favourite piece of graffiti? If we were going on a date and I said “hey let’s go graffiti-ing around town tonight," what would be on the walls as far as content goes?

    Head to their part of town

    • Head to their part of town.
    • Learn about the best parts of your date's hometown and their favourite things to do there and how they feel about it.
    • Ask your date what their town is known for, if anything.

    This is a perfect opportunity to get cozy and chat with each other as you wander around, looking at this new place together while talking about interesting places they've been or fun memories they have from growing up there. This can be even more effective than asking them “what are some of your favourite restaurants?” because it's something that has personal meaning to them (their hometown). If possible, visiting their home will give you even more insight into who they are as a person!

    Play at a board game cafe, Walk your dog, Share something you love, Set up a picnic outside, Scope out local events

    • Play at a board game cafe: If you're looking for something unique and interactive, consider playing a game of Pictionary or Charades at a local board game cafe.
    • Walk your dog: Taking your pet out for a walk is very natural and relaxing, but also gives you plenty of opportunity to talk about yourselves and share some laughs along the way.
    • Share something you love: What's one thing that could make either of your days better? Maybe it's their favourite food or dessert, or maybe it's their favourite TV show or movie. Sharing what makes us happy is an easy way to connect with someone new!
    • Set up a picnic outside: Picnics are probably one of my all-time favourite date ideas because 1) there are so many options when it comes to setting them up (you can find everything from fun outdoor furniture sets , outdoor blankets, blankets, totes, baskets, etc. from inexpensive places like Kmart, Target or op shops 2) they allow both people involved in the date some freedom (you don't have defined roles like "host" because everything can just be set up beforehand), 3) they allow both people involved in the date some space between them if needed (no claustrophobia!), 4) they encourage conversation due to needing conversation partners while eating together. 

    When it comes to first dates, the best thing you can do is not plan too much ahead of time. This allows room for spontaneity and connection, which will lead to fun, new experiences and a new perspective. You may not be able to predict what will happen during your date but it’s worth taking a chance on something unexpected!

    This is the perfect time to test the waters. If you’re feeling comfortable, keep it up! If not, maybe try something else. But remember: This isn't a test or a contest—it's just an excuse to have fun and get to know each other better. You'll have plenty of time in the future to figure out what works and what doesn't with each other before giving Bliss Bite chocolate a go!
